(Vanellus vanellus).
A Lapwing in flight.
The Lapwing is in rapid decline in Roskilde Fjord and indeed all over Denmark. The reason is without doubt the changes in agricultural practice, which leave fewer wet grassy areas, and with efficient agricultural machines often destroying the nests.
A Lapwing.
The change to winter crops also means there are fewer cornfields with low vegetation during the Lapwing´s breeding season and this also contributes to the decline in numbers. Eskilsø is the fjord´s most important breeding ground for Lapwings but since 1996 the foxes have driven them away from here.
In autumn many Lapwings roost on the islets during their migration to the Channel area. In September there can be flocks of over 1,000 on Svaleø, and Eskilsø and other islands can also host large flocks. In the winter counts the Lapwing is very seldom seen.
Key to the Distribution Map.
Lapwing - population trends

Lapwing breeding pairs
Lapwing October