Key to Distribution Map
On the distribution map the islands where a species has bred are marked with a symbol. The following symbols are used:
The species has had only a very small population there.
The species has had a small, increasing population.
The species has had a small, stable population.
The species has had a small, declining population.
The species has had a medium-sized, increasing population.
The species has had a medium-sized, stable population.
The species has had a medium-sized, declining population.
The species has had a large, increasing population.
The species has had a large, stable population.
The species has had a large, declining population.
The words ‘small’, ‘medium-sized’ and ‘large’ are to be taken as indicating the proportion of the total population in the fjord.
For further clarification of the above, click here.
The maps are based on Google Maps, so you can zoom in and out or move between a map and a satellite picture.