Greylag Goose
(Anser anser).
Goose migration near Risø.
The population of Greylag Geese on the fjord has increased significantly, especially in the brackish southern part. This is in line with a general increase in the whole of western Europe.
They start laying very early and it is not unusual to see brooding geese with snow on their backs. From the end of July to the beginning of October a large number of Greylag Geese roost in the fjord, before migrating to the south west and on to winter homes right down in the south of Spain. They come from all over northern Zealand and southern Sweden. The main roosting sites are Bløden by Risø, Selsø and Eskilsø.
Greylag Geese taking off from a field near Risø.
From these hunting-free places they go on foraging expeditions to stubble fields etc in the surrounding countryside, often as much as 20 km from their roosts.
In early October most of them migrate away from the fjord. In the recent mild winters a growing number of Greylag Geese have spent the winter in Denmark, but his is not reflected in our counts, as winter counts were discontinued in 2004. We know from ringing that they winter in south west Spain but they are already back here by the end of March.
The autumn population varies widely from year to year, but that is to be expected when the autumn counts take place just around the time when the geese are leaving Denmark.
Greylag Goose nest in sea wormwood on Ringø.
Key to the Distribution Map.
Greylag Goose - population trends

Greylag Goose breeding pairs
Greylag Goose October