Goldeneye Duck
(Bucephala clangula).Late in the autumn and through the winter months a large number of Goldeneye Ducks roost in the fjord. They come from breeding grounds in Sweden and Finland. The number of birds wintering here has risen sharply since the mid 1990s.
Goldeneye Ducks forage in the relatively deep water in the broader parts of the fjord and are most commonly found in the northern part. In the evening they go off to spend the night in more sheltered places, like the end of Roskilde Vig. Before they leave the fjord in spring they begin their mating rituals, in which the male has a characteristic way of throwing his head back.
In recent years these ducks have begun to breed on some of the lakes in north Zealand, usually in the nesting boxes provided. It is therefore not unlikely that they will also start breeding in the forests along the fjord.
Goldeneye Duck - population trends

Goldeneye Duck October
Goldeneye Duck January