
(Anas platyrhynchos).

Mallards on the ice in Roskilde harbour.

The Mallard breeds throughout the area on and around the fjord. It is difficult to count as it often lays several clutches of eggs, as its breeding period extends from early spring to late summer, and as its nests are well hidden in vegetation.

The population in winter, and more especially in autumn, has increased significantly since motorboat hunting was banned and hunt-free areas were established. Favourite haunts are Bløden by Risø, Selsø, Eskilsø, Skuldelev inlet and Øksneholm, but Mallards are to be found pretty well everywhere. In winter it is easy to get close to them when they gather in the harbours, where a lot of people enjoy feeding them. Many of the Mallard in the harbours come from the town parks.

Key to the Distribution Map.

Mallard - population trends

Mallard breeding pairs
Mallard October
Mallard January