The Plant Descriptions

Only the island plants are discussed here. The survey on which our information is based is nearly 35 years old. It was carried out in 1979 by Per Mølgaard and is published in ‘Holmene i Roskilde Fjord’ (Danish only), and has since been revisited in ‘Floraen på Isefjordens småholme i øbiogeografisk belysning’ (Danish only). (See bibliography).

We have more or less confined ourselves to the species that Per Mølgaard’s 1979 survey classified as dominant on one or more islands, but we have included a few species that have an interesting or ecologically significant role in the fjord. Finally, there is a short account of typical island plant communities.

On the accompanying distribution map, a big circle means that the species was registered as dominant, a medium-sized circle means the species was subdominant, and a little circle means that the species was found.

As stated, the information is based on an almost 35 year old survey and so does not necessarily reflect present conditions. In 2007-8 plant communities on the islands in Roskilde Fjord and Isefjord were the subject of a dissertation at Copenhagen University (see Lisbeth Løvendahl in the bibliography). As this is in many respects a repeat of the above-named survey, the whole dissertation (in Danish only) can be read here. (PDF-fil på 2.1 MB).

Readers who are interested in other species, and more detail, are referred to the above publications. See bibliography.

A list of all species on the islands can be seen here. (Names are in Danish and Latin). The list is taken from ‘Holmene i Roskilde Fjord.’ .