Common Gull
(Larus Canus).
A pair of Common Gulls.
Although the Common Gull was generally in decline in Denmark, the population in Roskilde Fjord doubled towards the end of last century, but since then the population has declined abruptly. The fjord´s biggest colony is on Langholm in Jyllinge Holme, but there is also a very stable colony on Blak.
Common gull chicks.
A Common Gull colony.
On some islets there are stable colonies which almost always breed successfully, while other colonies are unstable and often have unsuccessful breeding seasons. In some of the unstable colonies, as for example on Langholm in Lejre Vig, the fluctuations are due to rats, but the reason is not always obvious. Like the Black-headed Gull, the Common Gull finds most of its food in the fields. The national decline in population can possibly be a result of the farmers´ changing from spring- to winter-sown crops.
Most of the fjord´s Common Gulls migrate to England and the Channel area in the winter.
Gulls following the plough.
Key to the Distribution Map.
Common Gull - population trends

Common Gull breeding pairs
Common Gull October
Common Gull January