Common Seal or Harbour Seal

(Phoca vitulina)

Seals are seen on the fjord nearly every year. They might be found anywhere in the fjord. One of the places where they are often seen is by the deep hole in Lejre Vig, but they can also appear in the harbours, where they are sometimes so trusting that they climb up onto the jetties, which causes quite a stir.

In 1991 an adult seal was seen with a pup, but that is definitely a rare event. In summer 1993 a tagged seal spent some time in Roskilde harbour. It had been found as a young abandoned pup in the German part of the Wadden Sea in the summer of 1991, and grew up in a sealarium in Ditmarsken. Around Christmas 1992 it was tagged and released in the Wadden Sea again. It is not known how it came from the Wadden Sea to Roskilde in the space of 6 months.